Pace Calculator

Unlock your potential with our pace calculator tool, designed to help you craft your ideal race splits and propel yourself to new heights.
Choose your overall time, division, and profile to get started. Then adjust your splits based on your personal needs.
Use the percentile to compare your performance with other similar athletes.


Overall Time
Expected Ranking in Current Season
Running Total
Best Lap
Average Running Pace
20k Equivalent
10k Equivalent

Splits Time

Station Average Your Time Total Time Percentile
Running 1
Ski Erg
Running 2
Sled Push
Running 3
Sled Pull
Running 4
Burpees Broad Jump
Running 5
Running 6
Farmers Carry
Running 7
Sandbag Lunges
Running 8
Wall Balls

Similar Athletes

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Why our Pace Calculator is Your Ultimate HYROX Ally

  • Tailored Fitness Profiles: Choose from Hybrid, Runner, or CrossFitter profiles for a race plan that's specifically tailored to your training style and strengths.
  • Precision in Planning: Get detailed splits for each run and workout. Our precise calculations help you balance your energy and maintain a steady pace throughout the race.
  • Performance Focused: Break your race into strategic segments for improved performance. Our planner helps you target specific areas for maximum efficiency.

Our Race Planner is more than just a tool; it's your personal race strategist. Input your goals and stats, and let the planner craft a strategy that’s realistic, achievable, and tailored to your aspirations. Whether it's setting a new personal record or preparing for competitive racing, Rox Coach is your companion on this journey.

Already did a race?

Dive into your race performance with this analyzer. It identifies your strengths and areas to improve, offering strategic insights.

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